Shop Bears and Recordable Gifts

Custom Keepsakes designed to bring comfort, peace & happiness

Life is filled with highs and lows. No matter where you are along your journey, we are here to provide you with a beautiful, memorable keepsake.

Our Story

Custom Weighted to The Exact Weight.

Infant Loss Bear

Losing a child is life changing. Holding a teddy bear, the exact weight of the baby, can bring comfort. *up to 10 lb.

Order a Custom Weighted Bear

Shop Bears

bear with voice recorder bear with voice recorder

Heartbeat Bears

16" Jointed teddy bears with a 30 second recorder inside.

weighted therapy teddy bear weighted therapy bear

Weighted Therapy Bears

16" Jointed teddy bears that weigh 3lb., 4lb. or 5lb.

singing birthday bear singing birthday bear

Birthday Bears

16" Jointed teddy bears with a 30 second Happy Birthday song.

teddy bear urn teddy bear urn

Huggable urns created for infants, adults or pets.

Teddy Bear Urns

A soft, comforting alternative to a traditional urn.  Small heart tin holds aprox. 5 cu in of ashes.

Order A Teddy Bear Urn

You record or we record.

Recordable Bears

Teddy bears with a 30 second recorder inside. 

Record a heartbeat, song snippet, voicemail or anything you would like. 

Order a Recordable Bear

What makes Walter's Bears Special

walters bears handmade
walters bears jointed bears
walters bears choice of paw color
walters bears hidden pouch